CHAPTERS_reminders 7
The Seeker

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Chapter 7
The Seeker

Growth comes from the inside out; your soul is your only teacher.

The Seeker is a deep and wise individual in a quest for knowledge, constantly looking for answers. With a strong sen- se of intuition and awareness, the seeker understands the power of the surroundings and believes coincidences are not accidents but signs from the universe. The Seekers experience the world as an endless opportunity for learning, discovery, and truth-seeking through analysis and spirituality. Their greatest gift is their sense of wonder, helping them to put their place in the world into perspective. It not only allows them to see beauty in the small things; but also reminds them that we are infinite and are a part of something much greater than our ability to comprehend it.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

If you find yourself attracted to this chapter, you are deeply emotional and intuitive with a vivid imagination. Your inner world is always where you feel most at home.

Strengths: perception, introspection, spirituality, analysis.
The challenge: The Seekers’ challenge is to keep an open mind to others’ beliefs, desires, points of view, ideas, and ways of perceiving life, as everyone’s journey is unique and worthy of respect. To avoid judgment, channeling their ability of self-awareness to comprehend and inspire others. Solitude is healing, but they should not forget to nurture and care for their relationships.

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